Saturday, December 23, 2006

Will they use it?

I am thrilled at the prospect of a male birth control pill, but I wonder if men will really use it. . .


supadiscomama said...

Sadly, I wouldn't trust a man to take a birth control pill. Of course, I guess they wouldn't have to take it everyday--only before they have sex? But men don't really face the same consequences as women do if they "forget" to take the pill...

Oxymoron said...

I 'd take it.

And I would argue, Supa, that the consequences are the same.

supadiscomama said...

Okay, Oxymoron, perhaps *some* men could be trusted to take the pill. But I must contest your claim that the consequences are the same. True, the man would (presumably) share in the responsibilities of raising the child that might result from the missed pill. However, he does not have to endure the physical consequences of pregnancy or its aftermath.

But I'm glad that there's at least one guy out there willing to take his turn at popping that pill everyday. (This just reminded me that it's time to take mine!!)

Oxymoron said...

Very true.

Southpaw said...

The trick is to combine with pill with either Viagra or perhaps one of those growth pills we all seem to get 20 emails a day about. :)