Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sliding face first

My son, my Wild Man, who is 1 year and 5 days old, is a daredevil. He has fallen in love with the sliding board. Furthermore, he has fallen in love with sliding down the slide face first. On the playground at school, he gleefully climbs up the slide (it is toddler-size), but he doesn't sit on his bottom once he gets to the top of the slide. Nope, not my Wild Man. Instead he simply lies down, stretching his body from the top of the stairs to the top of the slide. He then slides down face first, landing happily in a pile of sand. He then picks himself up, laughs uproariously, and does it all over again. This, of course, means that one of his teachers must be at the slide the entire time his class is on the playground. It also means he is covered in sand by the end of the day. I swear he is going to compete in the X Games one day!

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