Friday, April 03, 2009

Little feet make it hard to work

So far this morning, I've added 3 pages to my restructured intro to my third chapter. I just finished lunch and am about to make some serious progress toward today's goal: revising 15 pages of the chapter. I have one little problem. I have a pair of little feet (at least I think they are feet) sticking into my ribs. It hurts to sit, it hurts to stand, it just hurts. I've tried everything I can think of to get Z to move, but she is not budging. So I continue to work, taking frequent breaks to rub my painful ribs. . .


~profgrrrrl~ said...

Ouch. I had that problem quite a lot and found that doing a half moon (see: while leaning against the wall for support and preferably spotted helped a lot. I would hold the pose for a while and she would move.

M said...

Thanks for the tip! I hadn't even thought of doing that particular pose. I will definitely give it a try the next the little feet are in my ribs.