Monday, March 12, 2012

My new role model

So I've decided Cate Blanchett is my new role model.  Why? Well, she's lovely and very smart; she has a successful home life and a successful career; and she doesn't mind showing up in public looking a bit frazzled. Oh, and she is a mother to three boys.


supadiscomama said...

:) I've been obsessed with Cate B. since 1998, when I saw her in *Elizabeth*.

AcadeMama said...

I concur with her fabulosity!

As an aside, you might have one up on her, considering I've never once seen you look frazzeld, in public or otherwise.

M said...

AcadeMama, come by my house at 8:15 every morning, when I'm trying to get Wild Man and Bear into their shoes, their coats, and then car. I'm promise you'll see me looking a heck of a lot more than frazzled. :)

p-duck said...

ummm is the 3 boys comment a clue : )

M said...

It's all in how you read it, p-duck.

L said...

clue or no clue. I'm still hoping for a two boys and a girl here, OK? ;)

I have three friends who managed that feat and I'm always so jealous of them (I just happened to say that to one of them on the phone today).

Nah... 3 boys would/will be fantastic too.

M said...

Lilian, you can continue to hope, but I'm afraid you might be disappointed come July.

M said...

Lilian, you can continue to hope, but I'm afraid you might be disappointed come July.