Monday, June 11, 2012


That is my current state of being.  I am in constant discomfort, although I'm trying hard not to complain. It likely doesn't help that this is my third pregnancy and that I'm not the biggest fan of being pregnant.  There I admitted that publicly.  I love being a mother, and I love my children.  I do not, however, love being pregnant.  In fact, I am scornful of any woman who says something like, "Oh being pregnant was so wonderful.  I loved every moment of it!  I was never sick and never uncomfortable and would do it over and over again!"  Frankly, I think such statements are crap.  Being pregnant has its wonderful moments, there is no doubt about that.  But, for me, the pregnancy begins and ends with morning sickness (throwing up at 35 weeks is NO fun); the middle includes a brief burst of energy that has been accompanied by constipation, breast pain, and sciatic pain.  Yes, feeling the baby move is wonderful and all of that, but honestly, there is a lot about pregnancy that I could live with out.  And yes, my cynicism is likely influenced by the fact that I am currently 35 weeks pregnant, that I am not sleeping well, and that I am in pain either when sitting or standing for too long.  Oh, all of my clothes feel too tight, my breasts are enormous (at least for me), and my fingers are starting to swell.  I am desperately craving sushi and margaritas, neither of which I can have, so I am more than a bit cranky. 


L said...

:( Pregnancies aren't fun, even when they are pretty mild like mine. I would NOT believe a woman that said she was not uncomfortable. That just cannot be true. being pregnant is uncomfortable, even at the beginning, period.

Can't you have sushi with just vegetables (like California rolls) & not fish in it? I'm sorry about the margaritas, though... :(

And being pregnant in the summer is even worse, isn't it? I didn't experience it (only until the end of May and that was bad already), but I know it is.

I'm thinking of you. I hope the next few weeks can go by fast.

rented life said...

:( But...thanks for being honest. All I've ever heard was how wonderful pregnancy is...

I don't know if they sell it where you're at, but Master of Mixes makes good mixes (you're to add you're own alcohol) that have good flavor without the alcohol. The Strawberry Daquari is nice.

M said...

Lilian, I can have vegetarian sushi, and believe me I've eaten a lot of it. I want the real thing, however!

RL, I'm at the point where even feeling the baby move has lots its novelty. I am 5' 3" (if I stretch a bit!), so this kid is constantly in my ribs. I've got all kinds of pressure on my lungs, making it hard to breathe, and I have to eat 6 meals a day b/c there isn't enough room in my stomach to eat two normal meals, as it's being squished. Oh, and the baby things my already small bladder is a trampoline, so I'm in the bathroom every 25 minutes. I'm sure there are women who have lovely, wonderful, moving pregnancies. I just happen to think they only exist in parenting and women's magazines.

Lilian said...

I'm 5'3'' as well! I couldn't stand the constant bathroom trips either (both in the first trimester and last). Sigh.