Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Bear wakes up insanely early--between 5 and 6 without fail.  And try as we might, we cannot get him to go back to sleep for any extended period of time.  In fact, he seems to be the child who wakes up really early, as he doesn't get fussy until his nap time.  So Archer and I take turns getting up with him.  We've both gotten in the habit of logging in a bit of work while Bear watches a bit of TV (yes, I'm THAT mom, but really, when your kid wakes up at 5:30 every. single. morning. I bet you'd be THAT mom too). 

This morning was my morning to get up with him.  In an attempt to be productive, I've finally sent out the article I finished revising (I've been procrastinating, mainly due to nerves), and I'm also editing a panel proposal I've been working on for about a week or so.  Just as I had sent the article out and was about to allow myself a few minutes of anxiety as I contemplated whether or not the damn thing was good enough for the journal I decided to send it to, Bear calls out, at the top of his lungs, "I need milk, Mama.  I need milk now!"  Someday, when he's old enough to understand, I'll thank him for helping me keep things in perspective.


rented life said...

The cats regularly wake us up. I usually get up and deal with it, sometimes husband does. We've both been the kind of cat-parents who made half-hearted attempts to pet the upset cat and ended up falling asleep on the floor. So no judging here that you're "that mom."

M said...

RL, if I could fall asleep on the couch, I so would. That is, however, a bit hard to do when Bear is singing along to The Backyardigans at the top of his lungs. :)