Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Not sure what to make of this one. . .

Since I'm trapped inside once again due to inclement weather, I don't really feel like working today; knowing that the university is closed somehow gives me license to slack off, as if I needed that. I was clicking on various links on blogs I visit often, and I found one called Mom & Much More that really interesting. On her blog, I found a link to Ladies Against Feminism, which appears to be a thoughtful, well written blog, albeit one I am not sure how I feel about. It is written from a Christian perspective, and in truth, it is fairly well written--I already said that, didn't I? I'm not sure why I find that surprising, but I do. . . What bothers me the most is the site's tone. It is prescriptive rather than objective; it is clearly telling readers what to think and feel. That bothers me no matter what the political or religious content of the site. I've stopped visiting the NOW site for the same reason. I am a big supporter of NOW, but I don't enjoy being told what to think about issues. I'd much rather read an objective article so that I can make my own decision than be told what I am supposed to think. The LAF site also bothers me because it assumes that being a Christian and a feminist are mutually exclusive ideas.


p-duck said...

What a disturbing and fascinating site (LAF). Did you explore the pictures of women who agreed to dress modestly and feminine for a week and posted pictures?

There seemst to be a significant disconnect between their interpretation of the bible and history. For instance, they state that women have always had the right to own property according to the bible, but make little aknowledgement that historically this has not been the case. While noting that society has not always lived according to scripture (which in their mind is kind to women), they overlook that feminists are responsible for seeing that many rights stated in the bible (such as the right to property) are upheld (ie property).

Yes, I too am using the weather as an excuse not to work...

M said...

But we often overlook the fact that feminism and the women's movement are what is responsible for many of the rights we currently enjoy. When ever I see someone like Anne Coulter or Dr. Laura expounding on how women need to return to the home and how feminism failed, I want to scream "You wouldn't be on Fox news or have your own nationally syndicated radio show in which you could share your backwards beliefs if it weren't for feminists!"

AcadeMama said...

Thank you so much for posting the link to this site. Now I have instant entertainment and non-stop shocking material to read whenever I get bored, or simply want to remember the kind of "ladies" I DON'T want to raise.

M said...

Glad I could provide you with some amusement, Academama.

Lilian said...

I'm also greatly bothered by the idea the traditional view that one can't be a feminist and a Christian. I have a hard time looking at that site. It reminds me of some of the things that I grew up hearing my mom say... (sigh)