Monday, August 08, 2011

For sale

I'm selling a lot of Bear's baby things--his vibrating chair and boppies (nursing pillows), for example.  Last week, I gave away a lot of the boys' baby toys, and when we were preparing to put the house on the market, I donated a lot of their baby clothes.  How does this make me feel?  Meh.  That is how I feel.  It is inexplicably hard to name the emotion I'm feeling right now.  It is somewhere between ambivalent, nostalgic, and downright sad.  While it seems highly unlikely we'll have a third child (if I were a betting woman, I'd bet against it), it still feels odd to sell and/or give these things away.  Why?  Well, first, I'm an intensely practical person.  These things are expensive.  So long as there is even a remote possibility we'll have a third child--and by remote I mean, Archer has yet to schedule an appointment for a vasectomy--it seems really impractical to give these things away.  Second, giving them away feels like I'm saying Bear is no longer a baby.  And while I know he isn't and I know that he will never again use the vibrating chair or the boppies, it is still an odd feeling knowing that our house is almost entirely devoid of baby things.  I know I should also give away or sell my breast pump, but I honestly don't know if I can.  The thought of doing either literally makes me want to cry.  How is that for practical?


L said...

sigh. I TOTALLY know the feeling! I still have a few baby clothes put away in a box somewhere, but my husband scoffs at the sight of it and at me, he things I should get rid of ALL the baby things. :( And you know how sad I feel about not having a third child. But, rationally, I know it's the right thing for our family. :(

p-duck said...

I could have written the post... : ( I feel the same way.