Friday, February 13, 2009

Weekly Progress Update

For some odd reason, putting these updates makes me feel accountable, so I'll keep doing it. Here's the run down for this week.

Monday: I get minimal done on most Mondays as Wild Man is home with me. I did get some major revisions completed and sent the first half of the chapter off to my adviser.

Tuesday: 6 pages written

Wednesday: 3 pages written, coupled with a visit to the midwife and various other errands that had to be done

Thursday: no progress on the dissertation due to teaching responsibilities

Friday: 5 pages; notes taken on Foucault's Discipline and Punish; as a plus, I also wrote the section of the chapter that includes references to this.

I'm feeling very jazzed about this next section; in fact, I'd love to churn out another 3 or 4 pages tonight, leaving me only the conclusion of the chapter to write. I'm seriously considering heading out this evening after dinner and leaving C and Wild Man to handle the bedtime routine on their own, so I can accomplish this goal.

Next week is Spring Break, so I have no teaching responsibilities, aside from grading (YUCK!), so I will finish this chapter and complete revising the next, putting me back on schedule! Hooray for progress!

1 comment:

L said...

Good for you! Keep it coming!