Friday, July 03, 2009


Yetta got her on Wednesday night, and I'm already struck by how different our mothers are. I'll blog about it at some point, but for now I'll just say that Yetta prefers to shop for us while my mom preferred to clean for us. And I don't think she's stopped talking since she got here. . .


Anonymous said...

I think I'm a Yetta. Who prefers cleaning when shopping exists?

Lilian said...

Oh dear, hang in there. Hopefully baby Z and Wild Man will benefit greatly from the shopping sprees!

In any case, I hope you can find a minute or two to tell us about the birth, I'm still curious ;-).

M said...

I appreciate that she is willing to go shopping for us, Jennie, but I wish she'd be ok with staying home a bit more too. What I find most frustrating is that I have to ask her for help, which I'm not good at. My mom knows this about me, so she just does things--like unload the dishwasher or fold clean clothes. I have to ask Yetta, which, for whatever reason, makes me infinitely uncomfortable. I'm also a lot more comfortable telling my mom when she is doing something in a way that we don't; I find it much harder to correct Yetta, partly because she says things like, "I won't be here much longer; you can do it you're way when I'm gone."