Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Wild Man!!

Wild Man is officially 3 today!


~profgrrrrl~ said...

Happy birthday, Wild Man!

Lilian said...

Happy Birthday! I found your comment at Anastasia pretty interesting. Even with a birthday celebration, isn't he interested in knowing how old he is? It came so naturally to us to teach the boys their age because it's one thing everyone asks... (plus I do think it's cute to see them trying to make the number with their hands) I guess they learned sometime in their first year.

M said...

Thanks, profgrrl and Lilian.

And Lilian, we just haven't made an effort to teach him how old he is. We talked about this yesterday as now everyone is asking him how old he is. I think it boils down to age just isn't that important to C and me. I mean, most of the time I have to think about how old I am, and C literally never remembers how old he is. Wild Man can count, knows the alphabet, can identify most of the alphabet and the numbers 1-10, and can put together puzzles geared toward 5-year-olds, but he can't remember his first name (he goes by his middle name) or his age. Part of this is us, and part of it is him. I really think he isn't interested in his first name or his age. Both are things he'll have to learn eventually, but I'm not stressed out about it.