Sunday, November 01, 2009

A productive Sunday

So the entire time change threw Wild Man off, which means I've been up forever. First Bear woke up at 5 to play, which is not that unusual. By 6 he was ready to go back to sleep. I nursed him and got him down, and just as I was drifting off to sleep Wild Man started hollering "Mommy! I want to play!" I debated waking my mom up, but honestly, it wasn't worth it. Wild Man likely would have flipped out and had a meltdown or just demanded me anyway. So I got up and took him downstairs. We chatted, and then he asked to watch a movie. I was exhausted, so I complied. He watched while I drank coffee and graded. Bear woke up about 45 minutes later, and then I did get my mom up. She amused Bear while I kept on grading. After my brother got up and Wild Man's movie was over, we had breakfast. Then Wild Man drug his uncle upstairs to play, and my mom did some stuff around the house for me (my house is a wreck, and I don't even care that Yetta will be here later in the week; how's that for progress?). Meanwhile I nursed Bear, and we both napped on the couch for an hour or so. Then we all got ready and headed to the bookstore, where we met some friends. Wild Man played with his buddies while I chatted with my friend and my mom shopped for Wild Man and Bear. By the time we got home, it was lunchtime and then naptime. Currently Bear is napping on me (no, I'm not moving him as I needed him to cooperate), Wild Man is napping in his room (despite fighting the nap, he finally gave in), and my mom is napping on the couch. My brother is reading. I have just finished grading all 22 of my students' job portfolios and am about to finish up some more job applications myself.

Not bad for a Sunday.


Lilian said...

WOW, it was a productive day and only about half of it had passed when you wrote this post! I hope YOU were able to take a nap, or will go to bed earlier. You need a reward, after being up at such ungodly hour!

Anonymous said...

I am exhausted just reading this! Yesterday I slept late, had Halloween candy for brunch, socialized with a neighbor, went shopping, attended a party at the park, watched Brothers & Sisters, and finished a book (for fun). As you can probably tell, it was a full day.

M said...

I was in bed by 9!

Most of my current exhaustion has nothing to do with Bear and everything to do with teaching and job stuff. I am so looking forward to next semester when I'm only teaching 2 classes and most of the job stuff will be over.

Anonymous said...

But next semester you'll be doing all of your interviewing!