Monday, February 27, 2012

Should we?

Friday is my 20-week ultrasound.  If we want to find out the sex of this alien who has invaded my body, Friday is the day we can try.  I say try because we were told that Bear was a girl, and most of you know the outcome of that story.  Currently, Archer and I are undecided as to whether or not we will find out.  Part of me really wants to know, as I've had enough surprises the last few months, but a little voice keeps saying, "Can you trust what the radiologist tells you?"  I will be having the ultrasound at the hospital this time, rather the private practice (or at least I think it was a private practice) where I had it last time.  Archer is leaning towards finding out, as well, but I think it will be a game day decision, so to speak.  So what say you, lovely readers, should we or shouldn't we?


Anonymous said...

I would do it, because I am not one for suspense. I would get more enjoyment out of knowing than waiting to find out, but that's just me. You can ask the technician how certain they feel. I think I heard if they say it is a boy, chances are much higher it's an accurate prediction than if they say it's a girl. Keep your receipts this time if you buy anything gender-specific, just in case :)

supadiscomama said...

Unsurprisingly, I vote yes :)

M said...

Do either of you change your votes if I say that we're not sure we'll share the news with the world? :)

L said...

I don't mind you sharing or not, that wouldn't change my vote and I suppose you know that. In my case, I could NOT NOT to find out, I'm just the curiousest person on earth, seriously. Now... maybe s/he won't open hir legs... who knows?

good luck with the decision and we won't hold it against you if you don't share. Of course we'll be horribly curious and anxious, but we won't guilt-trip you into telling (tongue in cheek). ;) Just teasing!!

I hope the baby is healthy and that everything is going well. Now, as for your latest post, hmmm... I suspect the pregnancy has something to do with the difficulty focusing!

Anonymous said...

That wouldn't change my vote. Although I think if you find you're having a boy, you should tell your inlaws. In my opinion, it would be much better dealing with their disappointment now than after your precious bundle arrives.