Sunday, February 26, 2012


After a day of travel, we arrived home last night at 6:30.  The moment Bear was in the house he took off his shoes and his coat and ran to the playroom, yelling "Mommy, turn on the light!  I need to play!"  Wild Man sat down at the kitchen table and asked to do his homework, telling me "I want to play all day tomorrow, so let's do the work now!"  I think they were glad to be home.

1 comment:

L said...

I'm glad you're safely back!

I thought of you a lot today, after I learned that a friend of my sister & brother-in-law whom I met last year during Thanksgiving is pregnant (she has two boys, a 7 and a 5 year old and she was sure they were DONE, but it happened while she was on the pill). She's shocked and trying to get used to the idea. Sigh.

Maybe the two of you can have girls to make me horribly jealous! (just kidding! you know I'm really happy now that I didn't have a girl. It would have been tough, I'm sure, if I did).