Monday, March 26, 2012

Archer and the travel gods

Archer has really bad luck with travel.  Really bad luck.  This weekend, however, he must have done something right.  He was scheduled to get home around midnight, having to take a 2-hour shuttle from the closest big city airport to CU Land.  Somehow he managed to get on an earlier flight and to get on an earlier shuttle.  The result: he was home by 7:20, in plenty of time to see the boys, help with bath and bed, and get to hang out with me a bit.  So I'm writing this as a way to offer my thanks to the travel gods!

1 comment:

Lilian said...

YAY, that's awesome!! I'm regretting having booked the latest flight out of Rhode Island next Sunday, but I have friends in town and if I can spend more time with my friend, that will be OK, I guess. I should be home by 11 pm. :( having to go to work on Monday. sigh.