Thursday, February 07, 2013

The fallout

It seems the fallout from last spring's drama at CU continues.  I've just been notified that unless I can get one of the two departments to agree to run the travel course I designed (which doesn't really fit in either department) I will be forced to return the money.  There are days when I seriously wonder if this is the place for us.


L said...

WHAT?? You got paid for designing a course and now they want their money back because THEY messed up in your hiring & the course doesn't really fit? That's crazy! :(

You know, if worse comes to worse, I'm sure that in the future both of you might be in a position to be recruited for other, better jobs at the same institution. I mean... at least I hope it's possible if proven necessary.

Sigh. I'm sorry that this is the drama that keeps on giving for you right now. :(

M said...

I see know this post isn't very clear. Sorry. I applied for and was awarded a grant to design a travel course. The grant also pays for the students' airfare when I run the course. The course doesn't really fit unmy current departments, so now I may have to forfeit the grant.

L said...

Oh, OK, you haven't designed the course yet (it would certainly be terrible to have done the work already and have to give the money back), but still, that is not nice at all from their part since they were the ones who messed up with your hiring & thus left the new possible course without a clear home.