Monday, July 02, 2007

No more traveling

S and I have returned from our visit to my grandparents. The entire family, including my mom, dad, and brother, was there, and it was wonderful to see everyone. S was a dream on the plane, but I added it up. My little boy has been on 6 plane trips since he was born. We're done traveling for a while.


AcadeMama said...

You should have him enrolled in some frequent flyer program or something...think of all the miles he's already accumulated! A worldly baby already :)

L said...

WOW, that's a lot of travel for a 6 month old! My sons have done quite a few international trips (Kelvin flew with me to Brazil 4 times in 5 years and Linton 3 in 3) and a couple of domestic flights, but I think S wins! ;)