Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mothers and Stress

British researchers have found that mothers who prefer to cradle their children to the right may be at risk of depression, according to this article. I haven't read the entire study, just the snippet on MSNBC, but I have to wonder about the validity of the findings. First, the study only included 79 women, and they weren't interviewed. Rather they were asked to hold their infants and then complete a survey. I tend to hold S with my left arm, but that is because I'm right-handed. Holding him in my left arm, allows me to use my right arm to get things done. Wouldn't it make more sense to find out what sort of help new mothers need when they feel stressed out?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm...i hold mine on the right and I'm right handed but then again, i do many things left handed. I wear my watch on the right (which makes ppl constantly ask me if I'm left handed) for instance. seems very odd.