Thursday, September 20, 2007


I'm currently experiencing a strange sense of relief. Tonight for the first time in 11 months, Wild Man went to sleep without nursing and with what C described as a minimum of fuss. Tonight, for the first time in 11 months, I was out of the house past 7:30. I wasn't home to put Wild Man to sleep. I have been dreading today for weeks, ever since I found out there was a lecture that I really needed to attend tonight. Not only was it in one of my areas of interest, but one of my committee members organized it and specifically asked me to attend to meet the speaker. I couldn't--and didn't want to--say no. Knowing how worried I was about being away from home at bedtime, C volunteered to give up his weekly softball night so we didn't have to arrange for a babysitter (although Academama very kindly offered to watch Wild Man for us!).

When I left this evening, Wild Man was in the bathtub, and I essentially snuck out so he wouldn't miss me too much. I was a bit upset, but I needed to do this--as much for him as for me. He needs to know how to go to sleep without me. I called C as soon as I left the lecture, and for some reason, my cell phone was fading in and out. All I was able to determine from the phone call was that Wild Man was not upset but he also was not quite asleep. When I got home 15 minutes later, I found C in the kitchen unthawing breastmilk for Wild Man's bottles. Wild Man fell asleep sitting in C's lap about 5 minutes after I called, and C was able to transfer him to his crib without a problem. He did, indeed, fuss a bit earlier in the evening, and he drank all the milk I pumped earlier today. But he didn't scream himself to sleep, he didn't cry for me, and he wasn't traumatized. He's been asleep for over 2 hours now, which indicates that he'll be down for a while if not the whole night. I'm a little sad that I didn't see him right before he went to sleep, but mainly I'm relieved. This allows me a lot more freedom than I've experienced since Wild Man was born.


AcadeMama said...

It does feel better after that first missing bedtime circumstance! It's even, I've found anyway, a bit liberating to realize your child really is okay in the care of another parent, family member, or trusted friend. It sheds some light at the end of a tunnel, letting you know that one day, you too might have a "night life" again - even if only one night, once a month :)

Glad to hear all went well!

supadiscomama said...

That's fantastic! We should celebrate with an evening out for cocktails (well, maybe only one cocktail for me). ;)

Lilian said...

I'm glad it went well!! I'll never forget my very first night away teaching when Kelvin was six months. I came back and my husband was trying to feed him expressed milk from a bottle. I took a couple of photos and that was it -- the only time he ever drank my milk from a bottle. He started solids right after that and my husband would feed him cereal with expressed milk at night to tide him over until I came back (I was away for 3 1/2 hours on average).