Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Separate Space

It is 8:26 in the evening. Wild Man is sound asleep in his room, and I am sitting in my office getting organized for tomorrow. I don't think words can truly express how happy I am to have my own work space again. Granted, it is a space I share with C, but as we actually work quite well in the same space, I don't mind sharing it. The office is truly a Wild Man-free zone, as we keep a baby gate at the door at all times (this is primarily to keep Wild Man out of the cats' litter box, but it serves a variety of purposes!). I no longer have to worry about him tossing my books about everywhere, and I can actually leave paper on the floor. We're very happy in our new home, and I'm very happy with my office. I actually worked from home today rather than schlepping everything to my office at school, and I got more done than I do when I'm on campus. This is a separation of spheres I am in favor of!

1 comment:

AcadeMama said...

Congratulations on your productivity! I, too, am a big fan of separarate spheres...In fact, it's a requirement for me. I'm a multi-tasking maniac at home, where I can simultaneously cook dinner, feed the baby, go through spelling words with H. I cannot, however, do that with my work. I need quiet, seclusion, and solid stretches of uninterrupted time in my own work space.

Here's to a finish line somewhere in the near future...I hope? :)