Friday, December 05, 2008

Wild Man and morning sickness

First, I want to say that the all day sickness I experience while pregnant has subsided. Now I'm just sick first thing in the morning and that's it. This I can handle. And this also seems to be waning. If I actually get to sleep past 7:30 (a rare thing, let me tell you), I manage not to vomit. But every day this week I've been up much, much earlier than that, so I generally start my day with my head in the toilet.

This morning, as he has done many mornings, Wild Man followed me into the bathroom. As soon as I knelt in front of the toilet he asked "Mommy, are you ok?" Then he tried to close the toilet, saying "You no sick today, Mommy." I think he meant "Tough it out, Mom. Mind over matter!" When he realized that I was, in fact, going to be sick, he stood right beside me and rubbed my back while I heaved my guts up into the toilet. When I was done, he said, "It's all better now, Mommy" and gave me hug. Then, as I stood up, he patted my tummy and said "You be nice to Mommy, Z." I swear that kid knows exactly how to make my heart melt.

Just to prove that Wild Man isn't all sweetness and light: when he isn't rubbing my back while I vomit, he is pretending to vomit in his potty. I have to tell you, it's really painful to laugh and vomit at the same time.


Anonymous said...

Aww..can Wild Man be any cuter???? Sweet little guy. Glad your morning sickness is phasing out.

supadiscomama said...

That is so sweet! What a honey-pie :) Yesterday, Supa-T saw a picture of Wild Man and exclaimed, "Weeyo!" (I think this still maintains your anonymity...?). He sometimes says he wants to see his BFF, and I'm very sad to tell him we can't. But I guess we'll see all of you when you come into town for graduation!

Anonymous said...

I often show R the pics taken from this summer and he always recognizes Wild Man (and Supa-T) and calls him by name. Should be interesting to get the 3 of them together next summer, won't it?

M said...

We make sure to show Wild Man pictures of his two buddies, and he often asks to play with them. I think the three of them will have much fun together when we visit next summer. I know I'll have lots of fun with you two ladies!

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh, Wild Man is adorable!

Cassie said...
