Friday, September 09, 2011

Random Stuff

Classes started this week (for me and Wild Man, as Archer is blessed with a term off from teaching), so life has been a bit more hectic than usual.  Here are some random updates.
  • Wild Man loves kindergarten, but it is wearing him out.  As I wrote earlier, it is all day this year, and while the daily schedule allows for lots of playtime, he has been wiped out every day this week.  In fact, he's been asleep by 7:30 each night.
  • He is very, very happy that his "best" buddy is in his class.  I'm a bit less pleased as Wild Man and his best buddy tend to pay more attention to each other than to the teacher.
  • Bear is going through a "MOMMY!" phase.  It's exhausting as I am the only one who can do anything for him.  
  • The librarians at CU are on strike.  In their support, I attended my first Union rally today.  
  • The house is mostly unpacked.  We're currently discussing decorating/painting/remodeling options.  Do we wait, or do we start right away?
  • I still haven't bought a ticket to go to my friend's wedding.  Archer had yet another conversation with Yetta again last night, and yes, he told her one more time what days I'd like to travel.  It seems that Pita has the time off, but as they want to do some sight seeing on the way up to CU Land they won't be able to get here until the evening before I want to leave.  Um, seriously?  Is it totally unreasonable of me to think they'd want to get here at least a day before so that they can get a sense of the schedule, so we can introduce them to Wild Man's and Bear's teachers, and, you know, stuff like that?  I'm done.  I told Archer I'm going by myself, as much as I don't want to go to yet another good friend's wedding alone.  
  • We have some major gardening to do this weekend to prep our flower and vegetable garden for the first frost.
  • I have a department party to go to this afternoon.  I really, really hate these sorts of social gatherings.  I always feel awkward and out of place, especially as lots of my colleagues have yet to introduce themselves to me, but that is the subject of another post altogether.


L said...

how did the party go? I hope not too bad. Mine is tomorrow (Saturday) night.

full school days are hard on little ones, aren't they? I think WM will adjust soon, though.

I'm sorry about the troubles with your MIL... and going to weddings by oneself sucks! (I had to go to a few too)

M said...

No, Lilian, I didn't go. I had forgotten that the boys' swimming lessons started last night. I couldn't be in too places at once, and as one of us needs to be in the pool with Bear and another of us needs to make sure Wild Man is listening to his teacher, I opted not to go to the dreaded department party. Plus I figured that I'd already spent 12 plus hours this week at various department functions.

rented life said...

Our realtor when we bought (the house we just sold) told us to take our time with remolding--one room a year. That turned out to be great advice because then you weren't stretching your budget too much and we couold really focus on that one room.

Sorry about Yetta. What a pain. After my in-laws last visit (August) they aren't allowed to spend the night here. You always have my empathy.

M said...

RL, we've had a problem with the finished room in the basement that may require us to do some major work to it sooner rather than later. At the very least that is the one room in the house that has to be painted as it is so ugly I can't stand to be in it. We're still mulling things over though. The first step is to get the rest of the boxes unpacked though!

As for Yetta, it gets better. I want to leave on Thursday for my friend's wedding. She is planning to leave Home State on Sunday morning, but won't get to CU Land until sometime on Wednesday. Why? Well, she's bringing a friend with her and they are going to "take their time" getting here. What is the most frustrating is that she doesn't understand why this isn't acceptable? I so get we've asked them to do this incredibly favor and I'm so appreciative that they are willing to do this. But why can't one thing ever just be about Wild Man and Bear? Seriously. Why? I'm so, so tired of being told they have no relationship with Bear and that they never see the boys enough. Well, for fuck's sake, maybe if they actually put in the effort to develop a relationship with Bear, by you know, making a visit in which they spend time with him a priority rather than bringing friends with them or making every trip into a tour of Canada. Yes, that was uncharitable, but I'm so, so done.

Oh, and I"m sorry for whatever your in-laws said to make you feel bad. I constantly remind myself that I'm learning what kind of MIL not to be.