Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Holidays

Yes, I know it is only mid-September, but C and I are already getting the "What are you doing for the holidays?" question from his family. My family, as I've said before, is more laid back (read: passive) and doesn't think about the holidays until a week before. Both approaches are annoying. So what are we doing for the holidays? I have no idea. C and I are in total disagreement, although we're not fighting about it. I've made it clear that I'll go along with whatever he wants to do, since, in truth, Christmas tends to be a bigger deal to him than it is to me. Here are our options.

1. Stay in CU Land, enjoy a white (possibly) Christmas with just the three of us. This option, as I'm sure you're all anticipating, appeals to me quite a lot. No fuss, no muss. No stress, no tension. Just me, C, and Wild Man. What could be better?

2. Travel to Home State and divide our time between the 2 families. There are actually 2 variations on this option.
A. Fly to Home State, spend about 8 days, dividing said days between our 2 families, and fly back to CU Land. This is an ok option, so long as we are able to devise a schedule before we leave CU Land and get our especially stubborn families to abide by it. The biggest issue is cost. Wild Man will be 2 by Christmas, which means no more flying for free. Do we really want to spend $800 plus to be moderately stressed out for a week. C, who desperately wants to go hunting with his brother, says yes. I say, let's think about it some more.

B. Drive to Home State, with a side trip to Mountain State where my grandparents live, spend 3 days with them, continue on to Home State, spend 6 days with them, drive back to CU Land. Although this plan would be moderately less expensive and allow me to see my grandparents, none of us wants to spend 4 days in the car with Wild Man.

3. M's sister and her family, who will have relocated to the Midwest by then, travel to CU Land to visit us for the holidays. I also like this option. Our schedule and lives are only moderately disrupted and someone actually makes an effort to come see us. C has agreed that if my sister and her hubby actually decide to do this by mid-October (yes, he's a planner) we'll with this option.

So what do we do until we decide? We deflect the questions coming from Yetta and Pita, and we continue to discuss it amongst ourselves. I also try to figure out why I let a holiday visit stress me out so much, at C's request. But then, I already know the answer to that. It stresses me out because
  • I'm not in my environment.
  • Wild Man is not in his environment.
  • We're pulled in 18 different directions (frankly, a summer trip is just easier).
  • Yetta and Pita assume total control of Christmas, making my mother, who refuses to speak up for herself, feel marginalized. Note: all three of them irritate me equally about this.
  • We never get to see people we want to see. It still comes as a surprise to our families that we have friends in the city where we both grew up and went to college.
  • It is just a hassle, plain and simple.
But, as I said, we don't have to decide now. I just wish I could quit thinking about it. On the upside, we aren't getting any questions about Thanksgiving--at least not since C informed his mother that Canada doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time as the U.S.


Anonymous said...

Option 1 appeals most to me. Although I will tell you that being just the three of you on Christmas can feel a little lonely when the actual day rolls around and everybody else in the world is off celebrating with others. So in the end, I'd probably go for Option 3. Be proactive and work on your sister, or brace yourself for the dread Option 2!

M said...

Thanks for the input, Jennie, but I have to say my most favorite Christmas ever was the one that C and I spent in Northwest State the last year he was in coursework. I didn't have enough vacation time to go anywhere b/c we'd made an extended trip to Home State in the summer, so we stayed put for Christmas. It was so lovely just the two of us. I don't think I'd be lonely at all, but I know that C will.

Lilian said...

Well... this is not too far in advance to plan it, oh no!

We have to plan almost a year ahead if we want to go to Brazil for the holidays.

Good luck with your decision. I agree with Jennie that option 3 is pretty good.

Oxymoron said...

You could always come back to Southwest College Town