Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Nice, real nice

I'm feeling more than a bit frustrated with my status (or lack thereof) at CU. So I realize I'm only a lecturer, and I also realize that the primary reason anyone even looked at my CV--let alone allowed me to create 2 cool courses to teach over the next year--is because the dean really wanted to hire C. Fine, I can accept that. I do not expect anything fancy at all. Hell, I'm a grad student. I wouldn't know what to do with anything fancy. What I do expect is to have my contract processed in a timely manner so that I can prep the course these people hired me to teach. Yes, that's right, I turned my contract in the day after Wild Man and I arrived in CU Land--on August 8th. And today is September 2nd, and classes start this week. My contract still has not been processed. What does this mean do you ask? It means that I cannot
  • establish a CU Land email account.
  • open up a CU Land turnitin.com account.
  • establish a CU Land Web CT account.
  • check books out from the CU Land library.
  • request articles from the CU Land library.
I was finally able to get keys to my office today because the admin assistant in my office decided to help me out. Oh, and yes, that's right. I paid a $25 deposit per key that I received for a total of $75. Nice, real nice.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that CU Land has been less than welcoming and can't get their act together in a timely manner. I understand you feel a bit marginalized, but once CU Land finds out how awesome your courses are, they'll be kicking themselves in the "bum" and wonder what they ever did without you.

Lilian said...

Oh dear! You will soon not be a graduate student anymore. I'm sure it would feel even worse if you already were Dr. M. Think about what all those lecturing and adjuncting after they're done may feel... And I hope that makes you feel a teeny bit better. And let's hope that L is right and that once you do have the title in hand, you get much, much better treatment!