Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Wild Man has entered a scared phase--everything scares him. Thus, the last few nights have been rough as he has been waking up at least twice and needs reassurance that there are no monsters or "scary Pooh bears" (I can't explain that one) in his room. Needless to say, I'm a bit tired. I have to finish prepping to teach in 2 hours, but I'd really rather go back to bed.

*I realize now that he is saying the Pooh Bears are scared too, not that the Pooh Bears are scary.


Anonymous said...

Poor you. Maybe giving Wild Man a spray bottle with water to spray away the scary monsters before he goes to bed? Don't know if any of those tricks will work with 2-year old. R is finding things are scary also. Hope this phase passes quickly!

supadiscomama said...

Supa-T has been in a scared phase for a while now. We have to leave the lights on when he goes to bed. He used to be content to just have the closet light on, but now he want all of the lights on. I usually sneak in there and turn off the overhead light after he's asleep--but I'm fortunate in that he doesn't usually wake up in the middle of the night.

I hate for the babies to be scared of anything, but I'm told that this is a phase and it will pass. Hopefully it will pass for all of them soon :)

Anonymous said...

Luke went through this...I am trying now to recall at what age??? I think after three. It didn't last long, maybe a week or two, but it sure felt long while we were going through it. Poor Wild Man, those Pooh bears can be scary I guess!

supadiscomama said...

Might he be afraid of the Paddington bears (assuming they're still displayed in his room)?

M said...

The Pooh bear thing is from video he watched with his friend Brown Eyed Girl yesterday: "Winnie the Pooh and the Heffalump Halloween." Neither I nor Brown Eyed Girl's mom realized that a Winnie the Pooh video would scare our toddlers so much. Needless to say, they didn't get to watch the entire video.