Monday, May 17, 2010

Random Updates

  • I'm in day 2 of week 2 of summer school. We're making it. The nights are tough, frankly. Bear is still nursing, and since he is refusing all bottles during the day, he is nursing a lot a night. A lot. This month I was supposed to be working on night weaning him, but honestly, I don't have the energy. I know that this will make night weaning all that much harder when I start as he'll be a year old when summer school is done, but whatever.
  • I had forgotten how much I love teaching American literature. I haven't taught a survey course since we left Southwest College Town, and I'm loving it. I'm slowly starting to feel inspired again. While I was teaching Thoreau last week, I even had an epiphany for revising one of my dissertation chapters into an article. That felt good. I'm hoping I can hang on to the inspiration until summer school is over and get to work on that article finally.
  • Two of our best friends and their glorious children (including my goddaughter) are coming to visit this weekend, and I am so, so excited.
  • I need to edit a 70 page dissertation chapter down to an 8 page paper to present at a conference at the end of the month. Sure, I can do that.
  • My kitchen is under construction again. We finally decided on and ordered countertops. C is taking this week off from all academic work and is scraping ugly, ugly tiles off the walls, painting the walls a lovely butter yellow color, and making a mess in general. The countertops will be delivered on Friday, and they will be installed sometime next week. Yes, you're reading correctly. I won the battle to have them professionally installed!
  • My Women's Studies class is going ok. It is an intro class, which I've never taught before, and teaching it in the summer is intense. I'm not used to lecturing so much, and I'm also a bit uncomfortable with the tendency of students to share really personal things. I'm not sure I'm cut out to teach Women's Studies, especially at the intro level, but we'll see.
  • Yesterday when I got home at 7:00 pm, Bear started saying "Mama, mama, mama," even before I walked up the stairs. He pushed his ways out of C's arms and tried to crawl to me. Wild Man jumped up from the couch and said, "Mommy, you're home! We missed you!" That made my whole day.


~profgrrrrl~ said...

Oh, I feel for you on the heavy night nursing. B and I had a few months of that and it was really rough. I kept expecting the sleep deprivation to be less severe and yet here she was getting older and me getting increasingly less sleep.

Maybe it will naturally ease up? B was nursed through a year (no formula during that time) and got her first cow's milk on her first birthday. She started drinking that during the day, eating more real food, and suddenly we were down to bedtime and morning nursing (and full nights of sleep! Hooray!). And now about 2 weeks ago at 15 months she just stopped.

M said...

I think it will ease up once we're through this horrific schedule, Profgrrrl. In fact, he was wonderful during the weekend, when he could nurse whenever he wanted to during the day. And yesterday he decided to take 2 4-ounce bottles throughout the day, and the night was easier. We'll introduce him to whole milk in a few weeks, and if he follows Wild Man's pattern, he'll stop nursing during the day soon after and will only nurse in the morning and evening, as B did. Sleeping through the night is a whole separate issue though!

Lilian said...

Is it the conference in Montreal? The one I just decided not to go present b/c we'll be closing on the house on the 3rd? :-(

If yes, I cannot believe I'm going to miss meeting you. :-(