Saturday, June 11, 2011

We took . . .

the offer.  We spent the last three hours crunching numbers, and we can make everything work with this offer.  While we both think there is a chance we may get a better offer, Archer and I are in agreement that a firm offer is not something we want to risk.  When we spoke with our agent and laid out our case, she offered to reduce her commission, so that is something.  Now the house hunting really begins.

Oh, and in the middle of everything my parents called, and I explained what was going on.  My dad asked me if we needed any money, and I said, "well, if you're offering, we could use some, yes.  We can pay you back by December as we'll be able to build our savings back up once I'm getting paid again."  So when my mom gets here next week for Bear's birthday, she's bringing us a check for a substantial amount of money.  That definitely helps in terms of a down payment. 


Lilian said...

phew! What a day for you guys, wow! Well, I'm glad you took what seems to be a good offer and also that your dad can help you. My parents helped us in our down payment for this house.

Lilian said...

oh, and I forgot the most important part: CONGRATULATIONS!! I hope you can find the perfect house for your family!

Anonymous said...

I think you made a good decision. There's always the chance of a better offer but it seems to me that more often that doesn't materialize. Good work!

AcadeMama said...

Congratulations! What a burden to have off your mind, and now you get to think about moving forward :)

M said...

Anastasia, that was precisely why we took the offer. It was really tempting to say, "It's only been listed 4 days. What if something better comes a long?" Archer and I kept coming back to the "what if" part of that statement. We felt like we needed to go with the sure thing.

And AM, I'll be thinking of you all next week!

rented life said...
