Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Plan for the Day

In an attempt to salvage the day (and my sanity), I have decided to take the day off. I am going to go pick S up early and meet C for lunch. After S's afternoon nap, I think we'll go to the pool so he can practice the skills he acquired at Water Babies last week.

A family update for those who are interested: C's mother did not have a heart attack, but she will have a heart catheratization tomorrow to clear up a minor blockage.

And a special thanks to Supadiscomama who took time out of her day to help make mine a little better.

1 comment:

AcadeMama said...

I'm sorry to hear C's mom isn't doing well. My family will keep yours in our prayers.

In terms of your own feelings, though, in some sense it doesn't matter if they're are "right" or "wrong" - you feel what you feel - and you can't change that. You're working on a dissertation, raising your first child, accommodating a husband who's preparing for a diss defense, *and* you're responding to a family member's health problem: of course you're overwhelmed! You did the right thing by taking a breather today; we all need to do that every once in a while, but especially during the crazy times. I hope things calm down soon.