Thursday, December 08, 2011


I am grumpy.  I would love to be able to write an eloquent post describing exactly why I'm grumpy, but I don't think I'm up to it.  I'm grumpy and frustrated and tired for a variety of reasons.  On top of those emotions I also feel conflicted about a variety of things, some I can discuss here and others I can't.  I'm just having a rough few days, as the tone of my last few posts definitely suggests.

Yesterday, we received an estimate from the roofer.  He estimates that it will cost $1,350 to fix the roof.  This doesn't include what it will cost Archer to repair the wall and ceiling, both of which have sustained a bit of damage from the ongoing leak.  We were both a bit taken aback by the estimate, as neither of us were expecting the estimate to be that high.  The roofer included several things that don't have to be done now, so that may account for the high price.  Really, we just want the roof repaired so that it will get us through winter.  Then we can make more permanent repairs in the summer.  I realize this may not be the most economically sound decision, but it is a decision that means our entire savings won't be depleted.  I'm not comfortable with the current state of our savings account, which is adding to my grumpiness.  I am feeling increasingly angry that the house has proven to be such a drain on our finances immediately, and I'm also wondering why we even bothered to pay a home inspector $350.  It seems as though he should have caught many of these problems during the inspection.  Archer spoke with our lawyer, and we could take the inspector to small claims court.  It remains to be seen, however, if going through that is worth the time and energy when we're only likely to get part of the money back.  The whole situation is incredibly frustrating.

I'm also grumpy by the glacial pace of administrative happenings at CU.  Seriously, glacial.  I can't say anything else about it, but I've pestered all the appropriate people to no avail.  Well, perhaps to a minute amount of avail.  I am, however, still waiting.

Take both of these things and add them to the general holiday funk that I'm experiencing, and I haven't had the most pleasant of weeks.  In fact, I really contemplated just crawling back in bed this morning after I got the boys to school. 

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