Saturday, December 24, 2011

Job search

It is now Christmas Eve, and I've finally broken down and looked at the job wiki, something I avoid at all costs.  It seems I will not be going to MLA this year as none of the schools I applied to contacted me for an interview.  You know what, for the first time I really don't care.  I put out around 26 applications, as I only applied to jobs I felt I was a good for.  Add this the fact that I only sent out applications at the advice of Dr. Writing and the new Dr. English as they felt doing so would ensure my current positions becomes tenure track.  To say that my job search was half-hearted is simply being honest.  Yes, I tailored every single letter to the department it was going to, and yes, I did some research on each school.  But my heart wasn't in it.  It seems in the last year I've become invested in staying at CU and in CU Land.  So while I would have liked to see all my friends who will be attending MLA, I'm okay with not going this year.

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