Wednesday, May 06, 2009

By 4:30 this afternoon. . .

I will have defended my dissertation.

It feels very weird to be having this experience, and it feels doubly weird to have it while C and Wild Man are in CU Land. They are the ones I most want to see at 4:30. I will have to settle for dinner out with my adviser at a fairly swanky restaurant, followed by a small party of some of my best friends tomorrow--including a dear friend who is defending this morning. C has dropped enough hints for me to know he has something planned for my return, but not enough that I have been able to figure it out. . .


Inside the Philosophy Factory said...


I'm so happy for you.

Lilian said...

K also wasn't at my defense, and Kelvin wasn't either :-(

I really wish both of them were there, but at least my parents and Linton were as well as my closest friends at the University.