Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We're moved in

Indeed, we are officially moved into our new home, and the new owners of our old townhouse take possession sometime today.  I would love to say that everything happened as planned, but there were quite a few glitches, which I'll likely blog about later.  I'm happy to say we have many more good friends in CU Land than I realized, without whom this past weekend would have been much, much more traumatic.  We survived, and we're settling into our home.  That's all I hoped to get out of this past weekend.

I will also say that leaving our townhouse was much more difficult than I anticipated.  While I know we made the right decision to sell and to move (which was reaffirmed Saturday evening.  While I was making dinner, I glanced out of the window, which has a full length view of the backyard.  Thus, I was able to keep an eye on Wild Man and Bear, who were happily playing in their water table, while cooking.  That was a great feeling.), I was in tears on Sunday afternoon as Archer and I moved the last few things out of the townhouse.  That little house, with all its quirks and irritating features, was the first house we owned, the first place we were able to make ours.  It is the only home Wild Man remembers, and it is the only home Bear has known.  As I told Archer, we were happy there.  And as he told me, we'll be happy in our new home as well.

1 comment:

Lilian said...

aww... it is hard to leave one's first home. I didn't have time to say good-bye to mine at all because I had a newborn (almost 2 months old) and a toddler and I was trying to help my parents and K pack the truck, but I had to leave at about 10 pm to go sleep at a friend's house (they worked until 9 am).

it wasn't hard to leave the second house, though it was awkward and a bit stressful that I wasn't able to take every last thing out before the sale was concluded and the new owner came to show it to his daughter who bought it for him paying cash (REALLY). I had dear helpful Linton with me, 3 years old, he was not a hindrance at all, poor thing, as I filled the van and made countless trip to a neighbor's house to store stuff. Thankfully when the new owner showed up, I didn't have much stuff left to carry out.

Now... the third house, the one we renovated completely... that one was hard to leave, but it was SO insane (K & I worked until 5 am) that for a long time afterwards I couldn't even think about it.

Your post brought it all back and I'm holding tears right now just thinking about it. Sigh. And my apologies for the "post length" comment!! :)