Thursday, January 15, 2009

And C decided to. . .

find out Z's sex. And we think Z is most likely a girl. The ultrasound tech wasn't 100% certain, so we're speculating. C was more than a bit annoyed with the uncertainty of it all when we left the appointment. He said "How can I get excited when we don't know for sure? We may as well have not found out at all!" I, admittedly, laughed at him. He can be a bit dramatic, my husband.

As it turns out, I will likely have to have another ultrasound in a few weeks, so we may be able to get some confirmation on Z's sex. The tech wants me to have another scan because she was a bit concerned that Z's placenta is too close to my cervix. She made this comment before I went to the bathroom, and once my bladder was empty she said it looked to be farther up. She said that she was going to show the images to the radiologist and recommend a second scan in a few weeks. Cody's a bit worried about this, but I'm not. It's still too early for them to diagnose me with placenta previa, and I know that as Z and the placenta grows that its placement is likely to change. If I do have it, there isn't much we can do about it. Depending on the placement of the placenta my midwife could refer me to an OB, and I may have to have a C-section, which doesn't thrill me. But so long as both Z and I are healthy, I can handle that.

Aside from that, Z is quite lovely. Z has long, long legs (not unlike Wild Man). Z also didn't enjoy being poked and prodded at all. Although she cooperated by moving all over, she also swatted at the ultrasound wand, which the tech found quite amusing.


supadiscomama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
supadiscomama said...

As you know, Supa-T was reluctant to show us his junk in the u/s--but the tech's "educated guess" was right on. It seems to me that 85% certainty isn't bad. Of course, you could still buy neutral newborn clothes leave the tags on any girl-specific outfits (just in case...).

P.S. I'm the author of the deleted comment above (which was much like this one). My computer was temporarily possessed by the devil and typing BACKWARDS!

AcadeMama said...

Yay for little girls! What does Wild Man think about having a little sister (or has he even offered a preference or opinion)?

M said...

We haven't really told Wild Man about Z being a girl. Truth be told, Wild Man still isn't very aware of boys and girls. He knows he is a boy and that he has a penis, but he thinks girls have penises too. We've decided not to make a big deal out of this with him. C and I are both quite happy with is obliviousness to sex and gender. He is, however, becoming more interested in Z as an entity. In fact, he announced a few days ago that he has a Baby Z in his belly.

~profgrrrrl~ said...

Well, maybe Z will be more of an exhibitionist next time around :)

Bambina went into full-on porn queen mode during both ultrasounds.

That's so cute that Wild Man has his own baby Z.

L said...

YAY! A girl!! And I'm obviously jealous ;-).