Thursday, January 08, 2009

I'm hungry. . .

basically all the time. I wake up hungry, and I eat a snack right before I go to bed because I'm hungry. I'm hungry an hour after I eat. For example, this morning, at 7:30, I ate a piece of toast, an egg, and a grapefruit for breakfast. Plus I had juice and coffee. By the time I got to campus at 9:20 my stomach was growling. Seriously, C heard it and asked me if I was ok. I just ate a banana and a granola bar, but I'm still a little hungry. At this rate, I'll spend the entire day eating and not get anything done. I remember experiencing extreme hunger while carrying Wild Man, but I don't think it started this early!


Anonymous said...

I'm always hungry, so what's my excuse?? I hate that you haven't gained a pound. I gain weight just looking a food. :0p

~profgrrrrl~ said...

How far are you?

I think around 24 weeks I started eating everything in sight!

supadiscomama said...

I'm right there with you, L :) I, too, find myself hungry an hour after I've eaten!

M said...

L: maybe you're hungry b/c you run about 8 miles a day!

Profgrrrrl: I'm 17 weeks, and I could eat everything in sight!

Anonymous said...

If you're hungry, EAT! It doesn't matter what week along you are, if you feel hungry it's because your body is telling you you need the calories. You make healthy, nutritious choices and aren't in danger of gaining excessive amounts of weight. I ate a lot when I was pregnant. Some weeks I could not get enough to eat, other weeks I was a little less hungry (but still way more hungry than when I wasn't pregnant) and it always seemed like those hunger fests coincided with times when the baby grew a lot (my doctor gave an ultrasound at just about every appointment). Listen to your body and go for it!