Thursday, January 03, 2008

Back to work

Wild Man's school reopened today, and he happily returned to his teachers and playmates. I was prepared for him to be clingy when we got there, and I informed C that we had better be prepared to wait for a while until he got used to everything again. C gave me a knowing look, but he said nothing. Wild Man seemed to know where we were going, and he chatted away on the car ride to school. When we walked into his classroom he gave his teacher a big hug, immediately ran to their toys, and started playing. We stayed for a few minutes to make sure he was ok, but after watching him dance around with his two of his classmates, slide down the indoor sliding board (face first, of course!), and talk to the hamster, we decided to go. I called "Bye" to him, and he waved at me, as happy as he could be to be back with his buddies.

Today has been somewhat harder on me though. I'm trying to work, but I keep thinking about him. Today is the first day that I haven't gone to nurse him in the middle of the day. He nursed almost every day around this time during the break, but in an effort to begin weaning (something I so not ready to do), I've decided to cut out the middle of the day session. I've reasoned that I will have to wean one day, and I'll be able to get more work done if my day is no longer cut in half. I'm not getting much done, however, and I'm seriously contemplating picking him up earlier than usual today just because I miss him!


Lilian said...

I hope you don't feel pressured (not even by yourself) to wean -- particularly if you're not ready. Breastfeeding is such a precious relationship that we have with our babies and it only lasts a few years. I, personally, don't see a reason to rush out of it... (and the benefits of breastmilk continue well after the first birthday).

Sorry if I'm sounding like the annoying lactivist that I am. This subject is near and dear to my heart as you probably already know and I could talk about it for hours and seriously annoy people.

M said...

Hi Lilian,
For some reason I can't leave a comment on your blog, so I'm hoping you'll get this.

I'm not feeling any (or much) pressure to wean, but I am feeling pressure to get work done. Visiting him in the middle of the day effectively cut my day in half, and I would inevitably lose 2 hours of work. I've talked extensively with his teachers, and they've assured me that he doesn't seem to notice my absence. I'm still nursing him in the morning and the evening, and on the weekends, I let him nurse as much as he wants to.

You're not an annoying lactivist! Not at all! It's nice to hear from someone who understands what I'm feeling and thinking on this issue. :)