Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Blowing Kisses

Wild Man has recently added something new to his drop-off routine. A typical morning goes something like this:
  • Arrive at school and cross the parking lot to the building, with Wild Man in my arms. I occasionally let him walk, which generally makes the walk about 15 times longer because he has to stop and touch every rock and blade of grass we encounter.
  • Enter building.
  • Say hello to the fish in the school's fish tank--"Hi, hi, hi fissies!"
  • Go to classroom and wriggle out of my arms to say "Hi, hi, hi" to Miss Manna (also known as Miss Amanda) and to Miss Key (aka Miss Kelli).
  • Refuse to stand still so I can take his jacket off.
  • Distribute his things to the appropriate places while he finds his BFF.
  • Hug BFF while screaming her name with glee.
He is usually so excited to see his buddies that I am able to leave without him getting upset; in fact, he often tells me "Bye" before I'm even ready to go! This morning we were arrived a little late, so he was just in time for snack. I stayed around while the teachers got the children situated at their little table, and then I headed out as soon as Wild Man had his goldfish crackers in front of him. I said "Mommy's leaving. I love you. Have a good day." He responded "Bye Mimi." And then he blew me a kiss! C's been trying to teach him to do this for weeks, but he has steadfastly refused to do it. This morning Wild Man did it of his own accord at just the right moment. It made my morning.


Kate said...

He sounds so lovely. Sigh. :)

solon said...

A new BFF.

I hate to remind you that certain residents of NYC will not be impressed with this news. I hope that she does not ask me so I will not have to tell her.

There may be tears in Queens tonight.

M said...

He is allowed to have more than one BFF. And in his hierarchy of BFFs, J is still his #1.

solon said...

Um... I would hate to mention this to an English major, but there is something that you should know:

The "B" in BFF stands for Best, not better, reducing the meaning of B in the hierarchy of the BFF to the absurd....