Monday, January 28, 2008

A little sick to my stomach

I'm presenting at a conference in April, and it is a conference I'm excited about for several reasons. First, I presented at it last year and found the audience to be really receptive to my ideas. My panel offered really great feedback, which will help me revise my paper if I ever get time to go back to it. Second, I proposed the panel that I am presenting with. I hand picked the people who are presenting with me, and they are all interested in topics that I am. I'm really excited to get to talk to these people. Third, one of my best friends is presenting at the conference, so she and I get the chance to catch up.

Despite all of this the act of purchasing my ticket, which I did today, has made me a little sick to my stomach. I will be away from Wild Man for at least two nights and possibly three. This is the first time I will have been away from him overnight since he was born. I know that C is perfectly capable, and I know they will be fine together on their own. In fact, I'm quite sure they will have fun without me. After all, Wild Man and I generally manage to have a good time when C has had to travel. I also know that I will get more out of the conference than I did last year when I had C and Wild Man in tow. But I know that some part of me will be a wreck without my boy, even for only two nights.


Anonymous said...

I'm not going to lie to you: it's going to be rough. you make good points here. you'll get more out of the conference and they'll get some bonding time and it will be okay. that's all true. but I so know how you feel. I'm still sad when I'm away from my kids, even for just a night. and the first time was definitely the hardest.

AcadeMama said...

On the other hand, leave yourself open to the possibility that you might find the time very liberating, in a sense. Knowing that Wild Man is getting lots of quality Daddy time and that they'll both be extra happy to see you when you get back might actually make you feel relaxed enough to enjoy some time to yourself. Maybe you'll even - dare I say - sleep in??

Anonymous said...

Oh boy--Anastasia's comment makes me a little hesitant to post mine but here goes. Last year I went away for a conference (for a whole week) and it was the first time I had spent even a night away from my little guy (and actually, I haven't spent a night away from him since). Like you, I was also catching up with a great friend and Luke was at home with Gabe (this part makes a huge difference, I think). I was anxious about handling the separation and even felt sort of depressed at the airport waiting for my flight to depart. But by the time I got to the hotel and saw my friend I was feeling pretty fine. And, truth be told, I kind of didn't mind being away at all--shhhh. In fact, I really enjoyed myself and wouldn't mind doing it again sometime!

M said...

Jennie, I'm going away for a week to do research this summer, so I'm hoping this trip will prepare me for the longer one. And, I have contemplated the idea that I may actually have a good time without Wild Man. In fact, despite my anxiety, I'm hoping I do have a good time. I definitely deserve the break!

Lilian said...

As you probably know from my blog I was away from the boys for the first time this past July. I did enjoy it, but I was very anxious to get back, particularly after the 4 days/5 nights away... I'm sure you'll be OK in spite of your sadness from being away from him.

Anonymous said...

Said BF is super, super excited and promises to keep you busy while in no way minimizing what will be a tough step for you (although, hopefully, not for Wild Man).