Friday, January 11, 2008

Weird question for my readers

So I could create one of those handy little poles that e-blogger now helps one create, but I figured why bother. I'm posing a question to my readers, at least my readers who are also bloggers. For those of you who are married, does your spouse know you blog? Does said spouse read your blog? I will elaborate on this once I hear from some of you.


flossie said...

He knows and he reads. Many of my friends do too. I have to be a little more careful in what I say, but it's nice to be able to keep in touch with them (the friends, not the spouse, whom I tend to see on a daily basis!)

Anonymous said...

he knows about it and has been known to read but he's not a regular visitor because I tell him everything I blog, so it really isn't that interesting.

Kate said...

He knows and he reads, and then sometimes he likes to talk to me about it but he almost never comments (today was the first exception in months).

AcadeMama said...

He knows I blog, but I don't know if he reads it or not. I haven't asked, he hasn't said, and I began the process with the philosophy of not caring whether or not he reads. Obviously, I wouldn't blog about anything that I wouldn't say or talk about in real life with him (or anyone else for that matter).

Amy Reads said...

Hi M,
Mr. Reads knows that I blog, and he reads occasionally, and Just Recently (!!!) wrote A Guest Blog for Arrogant Self-Reliance (which was fabulous, truly). Mainly, we talk about my blog entries and chat about comics and television and such, so he doesn't read All That Often.

Anonymous said...

He knows, and he has read it, but really not too much. Last year he went to China for a business trip and I finished decorating Luke's bedroom while he was away so I sent him the link to a post with pictures. He read through some of the archives then, which he enjoyed, but he isn't too interested to keep up with it on a regular basis.